Booze Banter

Ode to the Whisky Dog…

This past week, the Booze Dancers were faced with the grim news that our beloved mascot, the Whisky Dog, was suffering from late stage cancer and had to be put down. A nearly twelve year old, cocker/retriever mix, she had led a long and noble life and had been a near constant companion on many a night around the fire pit. So it was only fitting that a tribute was arranged on Saturday with a fair amount of good whisky and camaraderie. In keeping with that spirit, I give you the Ode to the Whisky Dog

Ode to the Whisky Dog

Ignoring the weather or time of night
Once I had ignited the beacon light
Her tail a wagging she did run
To the patio in search of fun

From one Booze Dancer to another
To be hand-fed or just a bother
In search of Fritos, Doritos, or chips
Her appetite unquenched as we sipped

A fine companion, on a Glen Cairn night
Her fur slightly singed in the firelight
(Let’s not discuss or ever admit
Exactly how her fur got lit)

But to the beacon she’ll run no more
To St. Peter’s fire pit she will tour
To see what’s become of the angel’s share
A halo wrapped around her golden hair

So we will raise the Parting Glass
And hope as time begins to pass
That her constant presence no longer felt
Within our hearts will ever dwell

12 replies »

  1. A beautiful pup – my sincerest apologies. Considering who her human friends were, I’m sure she’ll sniff out and find just the right whisky-loving angel’s to befriend next … what a lucky dog.


  2. What sad news. I’m so sorry. What a sweet pretty girl she was. I’m sure her spirit will watch over you guys during your fire pit eves. Very nice tribute.


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